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  • Making DIY Bird Toys with Paper Products

    Making DIY Bird Toys with Paper Products

    What bird doesn’t love to shred and destroy paper? 

    All the birds in my house get excited and start pacing anxiously when asked “who wants a treat cup?” This treat simply consists of a nut hidden within a crumpled dixie cup and most of the time they let the nut drop out and finish shredding the paper cup first.
  • Safe Woods for Making DIY Bird Toys

    Safe Woods for Making DIY Bird Toys

    Providing adequate opportunities for birds to chew is vital to their mental and physical well-being. In the wild, most parrots hollow out nest cavities in trees.  Chewing is an instinctual behavior for parrots and wooden toys are an
  • Are Plastic Bird Toy Parts Safe?

    Are Plastic Bird Toy Parts Safe?

    Bright, colorful plastic bird toy parts available in a wide array of interesting shapes can certainly add to the fun factor in our bird’s toys.   A variety of questions abound on the chat boards regarding the safety and potential toxicity

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